Friday, 26 October 2012

Year 10 Enterprise Day – The Bradford Business Game

Year 10’s first Enterprise Day was run by Surrey SATRO on the 18th and 19th of October, we played a game called The Bradford Business Game. We had to create a business which produced paper made goods; we had to appoint roles to members of our group so we all knew what each of us was supposed to do. We started off with a £10 but we had to spend £2 of that on training for the Accountants of each group, we then had the rest of the money to spend on buying supplies for our products we were to make. But before we did anything else we had to create a company name, and logo which we had to put on each product we made. When we had designed and made a prototype of our products, the sales director had to go and sell it to the buyers who gave us a contract to make more in a certain amount of time.
 After this, the sales director brought back a cheque to the Accountants who would have to put it into either the Deposit or Credit account. With this money we could buy more supplies to make more products or alternatively save it in the Deposit account which also gave us 10% interest every half an hour. The day then went on like this, repeating this procedure.

Many people enjoyed the day as it gave us an opportunity to see what business life would be like if we were setting up a real business. We also had to present our business to the rest of the year at the end of the day to show how we had got on and what we learnt from the experience.

We thought that the day was very enjoyable and taught us a lot about running a business. It provided us with valuable lessons about teamwork and how we have to compromise with the other members of our team. It gave us an idea on whether we would want to go into a business like that when we are older.

We would like to say thank you to SATRO and the business people involved in the day for providing us with such a great experience.


By Becca Vernon and Jack Fishwick.


Winston Churchill Students Rise to their Charity Challenge

In the final week of the Autumn half term the current Year 8 cohort of Winston Churchill students presented a cheque for £3,751.55 to Cancer Research. "I'm incredibly proud of the initiative, dedication and service to others our students have shown" commented their Year Leader, Mr Martin Byrne. 


During their first year at the secondary school the students, who selected the charity and coordinated the fundraising events themselves, undertook activities ranging from some highly popular bake sales to more unusual events such as dancing the macarena in their pyjamas during their lunch hour and arranging a for local barber from "Cutting Edge" barbers to shave Mr Byrne's head bald to raise awareness of the illness.


More ambitious fundraising activities included organising a successful year group disco and a talent show to rival X-factor. During the Summer Term the students were set the challenge of gathering sponsorship and working together to cover the 874 miles (1,407 Km) distance from Lands End to John O'Groats "under their own steam". This saw students walk, run, row & cycle 107 miles more than the 874 miles (1,407 Km)  of their target distance, with two students raising in excess of £100 on their own


On receipt of the cheque during an assembly at the school Miss Jeannie Pitt, Area Volunteer Manager for Cancer Research, told students "Thank you so much for all your hard work! I have visited many schools and this is the largest amount any year group has raised for us."


Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Year 11 Maths Enterprise Day

On Monday 8th October and Tuesday 9th October, the Year 11s took part in Maths Enterprise Day - where they experienced the development, production and investment stages of business.

They gained investment in their company by producing a catapult that could fire over 4 metres 10 times, then had to mass produce their catapults to make as much money as they could for their business. Some teams worked brillantly producing high quality catapults at a huge profit. 

In the afternoon, they invested the money they had made so far in our stock market - the excitement and buzz round the room was fantastic to see and we can congratulate several members of year 11 for becoming millionaires!


Friday, 12 October 2012

Open Evening

The open eveing for prosepective parents took place last week with Year 6 students and their parents invited to look around the school and take part in all the different activities which had been organised by the different departments.
