In the final week of the Autumn half term the current Year 8 cohort of Winston Churchill students presented a cheque for £3,751.55 to Cancer Research. "I'm incredibly proud of the initiative, dedication and service to others our students have shown" commented their Year Leader, Mr Martin Byrne.
During their first year at the secondary school the students, who selected the charity and coordinated the fundraising events themselves, undertook activities ranging from some highly popular bake sales to more unusual events such as dancing the macarena in their pyjamas during their lunch hour and arranging a for local barber from "Cutting Edge" barbers to shave Mr Byrne's head bald to raise awareness of the illness.
More ambitious fundraising activities included organising a successful year group disco and a talent show to rival X-factor. During the Summer Term the students were set the challenge of gathering sponsorship and working together to cover the 874 miles (1,407 Km) distance from Lands End to John O'Groats "under their own steam". This saw students walk, run, row & cycle 107 miles more than the 874 miles (1,407 Km) of their target distance, with two students raising in excess of £100 on their own
On receipt of the cheque during an assembly at the school Miss Jeannie Pitt, Area Volunteer Manager for Cancer Research, told students "Thank you so much for all your hard work! I have visited many schools and this is the largest amount any year group has raised for us."